Database Class Methods

update() method

This method is an alias of table().

The update() method is for selecting the table(s) you want to perform an update on.


update(table_name | array(table_name1, table_name2, ...))

set() method

The set() method is for assigning a field a new value.


set(column_name, newValue)


// Rename any users with the name Randy to John.
$db ->update('users')
    ->set('name', 'John')
    ->where('name', 'Randy')

where() method

The where() method is for limiting the records that get returned to only those that pass certain conditions.


where(column_name, value [, operator] | array(array(column_name, operator, value [, conjunction])))


// Only return results where name = 'bob'
$db->where('name', 'bob')

// Only return results where the date is greater than or equal to january first 2014
$db->where('date', '2014-01-01', '>=')

// Only return results where the date is greater than or equal to january first 2014
// and less than january 2016
$db ->where('date', '2014-01-01', '>=')
    ->where('date', '2016-01-01', '<')

// Only return results where name = 'bob' OR name = 'jeff'
$db ->where('name', 'bob')
    ->orWhere('name', 'jeff')

// Pass in an array...
// Only return results where a user's name starts with 's' or was created after Jan 2016,
// and the user is of type 'admin' or 'moderator'
$db ->where([
        ['created_time', '>=', '2016-01-01', 'OR'],
        ['name', 'LIKE', 's%']
        ['type', '=', 'admin', 'OR'],
        ['type', '=', 'moderator']
// Using the MySQL adaptor, the above produces:
// WHERE (created_time >= '2016-01-01' OR name LIKE 's%') AND (type = 'admin' OR type = 'moderator')

orWhere() method

The orWhere() method is for limiting the records that get returned to only those that pass certain conditions.

Similar To:
It works identically to the where() method except any conditions passed to it will be conjoined with 'OR' to any other Where declarations. See the where() section for more examples.


// Only return users who are named bob and also admins, or users named jeff
$db ->where([
        ['name', 'bob'],
        ['type', 'admin']
    ->orWhere('name', 'jeff')
// Using the MySQL adaptor, the above produces:
// WHERE (name = 'bob' AND type = 'admin') OR (name = 'jeff')

in() method

The in() method is for checking if a column's value exists in another set of data.


in(column, value | string(value1, value2, value3, ...) | array(value1, value2, value3, ...))


// Check if column value matches a single value (same as using where statement)
$db ->in('name', 'bob')

// Check if column value is present in a comma separated list
// Note: The list gets translated into an array by the Database class.
$db ->in('name', 'bob, jeff, susan')

// Check if column value is present in an array of values
$db ->in('name', ['bob', 'jeff', 'susan'])

// NOT RECOMMENDED as it breaks cross-database functionality, but possible
$db ->in('name', 'SELECT name FROM users WHERE name LIKE s%')
// The better way of doing the above is to do a query to grab all the names that start with 's',
// then pass the result set as an array to the in() method. This would preserve cross-database
// functionality and not lock you into databases that support your SQL statement.

format as having(). For examples see the syntactially identical orWhere() method.

orderBy() method

The orderBy() method is for ordering the returned results from your query.


// sort_direction = DESC (descending) | ASC (ascending)
orderBy(column_name, sort_direction)


// Specifying a single column to order by...
$db ->orderBy('name', 'ASC')

// Specifying multiple columns to order by...
$db ->orderBy('', 'DESC')
    ->orderBy('', 'DESC')

limit() method

The limit() method is for limiting the number of returned results from a query.




// Limit the number of result rows to 10
$db ->limit(10)