Routing in Cora

The default way Cora handles routing is fairly intuitive and I think the general gist can be explained in a few sentences... so here goes:

Cora looks at the URL and matches this against the files and folders in your Controllers directory. To the first matching controller+method combination it discovers, it passes control. If it fails to find a match, it returns a 404 page not found.

This can be changed a bit by turning Automatic Routing off and/or defining Custom Routes, but even then the internal routing that happens will follow the logic defined in this document.

Ok, so to remove the fuzziness on how this works, let's work through some examples.

How it works

Let's walk through a few scenarios using a Controllers directory that looks like this:


The key thing to notice upfront is that there's both a Users controller and a Users folder.

Let's say a user goes to the following URL:

The first part of the URL the router is going to look at are the two pieces in red.

It asks the question:
Is there a Users controller?

The answer of course is YES, there is a Users controller. Which leads to the next question of:
Is there a method in the Users controller named "profile"?

Scenario 1

controllers_directory (reposting image for reference)

Let's pretend that there IS a "profile" method in the Users controller and that it looks like this:

public function profile($action, $id)
    echo $action, "<br>", $id;

The router will have found a matching Controller+Method combination, and so will consider its job done and hand off execution control.

When application control gets handed off to this method, the remaining two pieces of the URL will get passed in as arguments. So in this case:

(This isn't a likely use-case for a real app, just explaining how the routing logic works)

Scenario 2

controllers_directory (reposting image for reference)

Let's pretend that there ISN'T a "profile" method in the Users controller. Under this scenario the router will then check if there's instead a "users" directory. In our case there is, so it will traverse into that directory and accordingly alter the part of the URL it's looking at.

The router will now focus on this part of the URL:

Now it asks the question:
Is there a Profile controller inside the Users directory?

The answer is YES, there is a Profile controller. Which you might guess leads to the next question of:
Is there a method in the Profile controller named "view"?

public function view($user_id) {
    // code

The best way to fully understand how the routing works is to play around with it on your own. You should quickly find that it works fairly intuitively. Just make sure your Controllers have the correct namespace (read up on Controllers if you are unfamiliar with what that means).

Another Example

Let's say a user goes to:

First Pass

Cora checks if there's an "Articles" controller with a "news" method.

Public function news($action, $id)

Second Pass

Cora, now in the "articles" directory, refocuses its attention on the next two pieces of the URL:

Cora checks if there's a "News" controller with a "view" method.

Public function view($id)

Third Pass

Cora, now in the "news" directory (which doesn't exist in our screenshots, but let's pretend we had one), refocuses its attention on the next two pieces of the URL:

If RESTful routing enabled (on my default):

Cora checks if there's a "View" controller with an "itemGET" method. It knows that a number is not a valid method name, so it makes the assumption that you are trying to fetch an item out of a collection. "itemGET" is a pre-defined method name for working with collections. See the RESTful routing section of this article.

Public function itemGET($id)

Is there a View controller with an itemGET method?

If RESTful routing disabled:

Cora checks if there's an "View" controller with a $default (defined in config) method. Because the URL section it would expect a method to be in is numeric, it directs to the default method and passes the number as an argument.

Public function $default($id)

Is there a View controller with a $default method?


A little, but important thing to know about how Cora's routing works is that it obeys the visibility definitions on your methods. So if you define a method as protected or private, IT WILL NOT BE ACCESSIBLE FROM A URL. If someone tried going to a URL that gets routed to a non-public method, they will instead be given a 404 Not Found response.

Again, the goal was to make automatic routing feel natural and work in a way that makes sense.

RESTful Routing

By default, RESTful routing is enabled in Cora's config. What this does is cause requests to the same URL to route to different controller methods in your app depending on the HTTP method defined in the request.

In the examples below, we are going to assume the default method in Cora's config is defined to be "index" (unless you've changed it, that's what it normally is).

A Request to a Collection

A request to of the following types works like this:

Request Type Routed to Method Expected Result (you have to implement)
GET /articles/ index() User views collection of articles
POST /articles/ indexPOST() Create a new article
PUT /articles/ indexPUT() Replace a collection with another
DELETE /articles/ indexDELETE() Delete collection
GET /articles/107 itemGET($id) View a specific article
POST /articles/107 itemPOST($id) NOT TYPICALLY USED
PUT /articles/107 itemPUT($id) Update a specific article
DELETE /articles/107 itemDELETE($id) DELETE a specific article

A Request to a Method/Action

A request to of the following types works like this:
Note that any remaining pieces of the URL will get passed in as variables to the method.

Request Type Routed to Method Expected Result (you have to implement)
GET /articles/create/ create() Show creation form
POST /articles/create/ createPOST() Process form submission
PUT /articles/create/ createPUT() Nothing. See collections instead
DELETE /articles/create/ createDELETE() Nothing. See collections instead

Routing Options

There's a few routing options that can be set in the config. They are as follows:

Most used options (also shows default values)

Options that have to be set correctly, but can usually be left as default

Custom Routes Introduction

Custom routes allow you to control how URLs are routed within your application. Some examples of things you can do with them include:

Also, some teams may not like the idea of Automatic Routing and may instead want to manually define all the routes - fair enough. All this is accomplished by defining "paths" for your app. An example might look like this:

// Let's forward GET and PUT requests to our api to the new version 2.
$path = new \Cora\Path();
    $path->url = '/api/{collection}/{id}';          // The URL entered in a web browser
    $path->route = '/api/v2/{collection}/{id}';     // The internal route that Cora will use.
    $path->def['{id}'] = '[0-9]+';                  // Defining ID to be numeric.
    $path->actions = 'GET|PUT';                     // The HTTP request types to match to this path.

To learn more about Custom Routes check out the documentation page on that topic under Routing. Clicking the button below will take you straight there.

Custom Routes Documentation